Did you know that good health starts with good sleep?

It’s true; lack of consistent, restful sleep can literally take years off your life by contributing to health issues such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. When we sleep well, we feel better, look better, we’re more focused, our immune system improves and we can manage our weight a whole lot better.

  • Do you often wake up exhausted after a night of tossing and turning and counting down the hours until your alarm goes off?

  • Do you get “enough” sleep but still feel tired or unrested in the morning?

  • Do you have unexplained health issues that you suspect may be linked to poor sleep? 

Learn more about our backgrounds in the ‘About Us’ tab in the main menu.

Learn more about our backgrounds in the ‘About Us’ tab in the main menu.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We are here to help.

Adrian is a PESI certified sleep specialist who works on content creation at Fitbit where he has taken a leading role in developing the sleep and meditation content for the Fitbit app. He has also been invited to give multiple talks on sleep, including a TEDx Talk

Over the past 6 years, Lisa has overhauled her life by developing systems and processes to break many disruptive habits and implement healthy ones instead. She has taken control of her sleep, and her life, and is here to show you how to do it too.

Transform your sleep in 28 days by joining our challenge below and finally put your sleep issues to bed!

Transform your sleep in 28 days

transform your sleep in 28 days; the challenge

You’re likely familiar with fitness and nutrition challenges designed to help you look, feel, and perform better… but have you heard of a sleep challenge? Sleep is crucial to our physical health, mental health, longevity and overall wellbeing, but it’s often overlooked or seen as a luxury. We’ve created a 28 day challenge to help you prioritize your sleep this February and build lasting habits that will help you sleep better night after night. Through a series of educational videos, downloadable PDFs and lists of specific resources (including links) hosted in our online portal, each week you will expand your knowledge of your overall health, improve your organizational skills and strengthen your discipline when it comes to sleep. This challenge starts on Jan 31st, however the course will remain open and the content will continue to be available for people who wish to start at a later date.

At the end of this 4 week program, you will finally be in control of your sleep and actually look forward to going to bed. Through this program you will:

  1. Learn the importance of prioritizing your sleep and be shown how to actually do it in real life

  2. Learn about and change environmental / home factors that are negatively influencing your sleep

  3. Break disruptive sleep habits and implement healthy ones instead to positively affect your sleep

  4. Create a new evening routine guided by sleep expert, Adrian, and be held accountable to stick to it night after night

  5. Achieve all of the above through educational videos and planning exercises every Sunday and be held accountable via an evening check list and a morning reflection every day of the week

  6. Be given a specific, comprehensive list of resources and things to buy (including links) that will help you improve your sleep

Is this challenge for you? 

This is for you if you have a busy life, stressful job, and / or a full mind and find it hard to fall or stay asleep, but would not say that your issue has been lifelong / chronic. You value your health and stay active but have not been prioritizing your sleep. To do this challenge you need to be relatively self-motivated as although it is guided, it does not include personal check-ins by us to keep you accountable.

Investment: $100

This program is currently full. Please enter your details below to join the waitlist and we will contact you as soon as a spot becomes available.

If a self-guided program won’t work for you and you know that you need a more hands-on and personalized approach, keep reading to find out about our individual sleep coaching option.

60 days to put chronic sleep issues to bed

60 Days to put chronic sleep issues to bed; individual coaching program

This 60 day virtual program is extremely personalized to help solve your chronic sleep issues.* It falls under the category of holistic health coaching, meaning that we will assess and help with all aspects of your life that may be contributing to your poor sleep. After doing a thorough assessment of your lifestyle and home environment, we will create and guide you through a program that is uniquely tailored to you. We will provide you with the structure and resources needed to improve your sleep. What’s more is that we’ll provide you with the latest Fitbit to track your sleep data and have a weekly check-in call to go over that week’s data and keep you motivated and accountable.

Is this program for you?

This program is for you if your lack of quality sleep is disrupting your life, or you get less than 4 hours of sleep per night, or sleep has been an issue for over a year, and you just feel as if you’ve tried everything. It is for you if you want to improve your sleep, but know that you lack the knowledge and discipline to make lasting change. It may seem impossible, but we can help you finally get some rest.

Investment: starting at $1500 (final price is determined during the consultation call based on the level of support you require)

*people who have been diagnosed with a clinical sleep issue should seek medical help before doing this program.

Set up a consultation call

Please fill out the information below to let us know if you are interested in individual coaching. We will email you to schedule a time for a free initial consultation call. Please note that we have very limited capacity for individual coaching and will only work with people who are serious about change.

The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.
— E. Joseph Cossman